Package de.michab.simulator.mos6502

In the mos6502 package all chip emulations from this hardware family are placed.


Class Summary
Cia Represents an instance of the 64's 6526 Complex Input/output Adapter.
Cpu6510 Implements a MOS6510 processor as built into the C64.
Extension This is an extension a.k.a. a patch.
Opcodes Defines instruction encodings.
Sid The MOS 6581 Sound Interface Device.
Vic Represents the C64's MOS6569 video interface chip.

Package de.michab.simulator.mos6502 Description

In the mos6502 package all chip emulations from this hardware family are placed. The chip emulations placed here should not contain any system specific functionality to keep these parts reusable when emulating different systems based on the 6502 family of chips. When implementing a Commodore VC20 emulator this package would house the resulting classes and possibly some of the existing classes -- like the 6502 cpu chip emulation -- should be reusable unmodified.
The package also holds the additional classes needed to implement the real chip. An example is the Commodore 64's video interface chip: The complexity of this chip's inner workings was distributed across a handful of classes that all reside in the mos6502 package with package local scope -- visible and usable for the class implementations in that package, but not for classes in other packages.