Serialized Form

Package de.michab.apps.route64

Class de.michab.apps.route64.Commodore64Applet extends java.applet.Applet implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


C64Core _core
The emulation engine.


boolean _isStarted
Flag to ensure that we only once start the emulation engine.

Package de.michab.mack

Class de.michab.mack.ConfigurableAction extends javax.swing.AbstractAction implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String _key
This Action's unique key.


javax.swing.JButton _toolbarButton
The lazily initialised toolbar button.

Package de.michab.mack.actions

Class de.michab.mack.actions.ActAbout extends ConfigurableAction implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String _aboutText
The text shown in the about box. Can contain placeholders {0} to {2} for the CVS build number, java vendor, and java version information respectively. Referred to by the resource key "message". The initial value is the default text that will be replaced by text from the resource bundle.


javax.swing.Icon _applicationLogo

Class de.michab.mack.actions.ActExitApplication extends ConfigurableAction implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String msgReallyLeave
This will get localised in the setAttributes() method. The initial value is used as the default setting that is not overriden if the key isn't found.


javax.swing.JFrame appFrame
The frame we are listening to.